Border Collies

Pedigree of APLAUSSE Fatransky Sen 'Lucy'

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ACCORD Black Chevers Cony Czechmate Ch.
Knottsway Chico at Czechmate
Wizaland Newz Speculation from Mobella
Mobella Leading Lady
Fortune Cookie at Mobella Wizaland Newz Speculation from Mobella
Ghostland Red Bess
Adora Akumulator
Highland Dreamer
Lethans Double Take
Woodtree Alaskin Dream
Ass Bohemia Alke Ch. Caristan Jaguar
Int.Ch. Mobella Jackie
XUNDA of Irish Home Quo-Vadis of Irish Home Jaff of Thurnhof Int.Ch. Bill
Cita Mein Schafergesell
Andy of Helenenhof
Anja Mein Schafergesell
Lucie of Irish Home Oscar of Irish Home Michigan of Irish Home
Ch. Cita Mein Schafergesell
Yenni von der Sommerhalde Paddy

Hodowla Ko-To-Ra Lucyna Zboralska

Wągry 139,
95-036 Rogów,
woj. łódzkie, Polska